Indicators on population, households and housing, according to the place of residence, based on the CENSUSES 2011 and 2021
Population between 15 and 64 years
Year 2011 2021
Belgium Region Province Administrative District
Belgium Flanders region Province of Antwerpen 65.6% 63.4%
Province of Vlaams-Brabant 65.3% 63.4%
Province of West-Vlaanderen 64.1% 61.3%
Province of Oost-Vlaanderen 65.6% 63.8%
Province of Limburg 67.6% 63.6%
Flanders region 65.6% 63.1%
Brussels-Capital region District of Bruxelles-Capitale 67.3% 67.7%
Brussels-Capital region 67.3% 67.7%
Walloon region Province of Brabant Wallon 65.8% 63.7%
Province of Hainaut 65.9% 64.0%
Province of Liège 66.0% 64.0%
Province of Luxembourg 65.6% 65.0%
Province of Namur 66.2% 64.4%
Walloon region 66.0% 64.1%
Belgium 65.9% 63.9%
Source: Statbel (Directorate-general Statistics - Statistics Belgium)