Year 2021 2022
Nb. of active enterprises in t Nb. of employees in the active enterprises in t Nb. of persons employed in the active enterprises in t Nb. of active enterprises in t Nb. of employees in the active enterprises in t Nb. of persons employed in the active enterprises in t
Aggregate level 1 Size class number of employees
B: Mining and quarrying 0 employee 96 0 102 95 0 107
1-4 employees 22 47 49 17 43 43
5-9 employees 20 155 155 25 173 173
10 or more employees 33 2.006 2.014 35 2.008 2.017
D: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 0 employee 662 0 683 718 0 768
1-4 employees 58 98 123 45 85 102
5-9 employees 9 60 62 10 67 67
10 or more employees 58 20.898 21.036 56 21.163 21.234
E: Water supply/ sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 0 employee 663 0 718 837 0 892
1-4 employees 300 641 670 293 633 668
5-9 employees 113 800 823 123 792 804
10 or more employees 259 23.220 23.319 287 23.963 24.077
F: Construction 0 employee 99.834 0 106.269 113.359 0 120.850
1-4 employees 20.758 36.434 40.911 20.876 37.769 42.531
5-9 employees 4.171 26.844 27.012 4.305 27.209 27.629
10 or more employees 4.025 153.122 154.223 4.160 156.050 156.982
C: Manufacturing 0 employee 23.613 0 25.156 27.134 0 29.208
1-4 employees 6.750 14.298 15.885 6.566 13.578 15.133
5-9 employees 2.574 16.935 17.095 2.845 18.626 19.049
10 or more employees 4.887 442.771 444.173 4.929 449.254 450.475
GTSXO_S94 : Service activities (except : public administration and defense, compulsory social security / activities of membership organisations / activities of households as employers / activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies) 0 employee 512.221 0 564.209 544.175 0 586.091
1-4 employees 113.515 200.923 237.249 107.785 199.435 227.235
5-9 employees 23.859 151.680 154.630 24.597 156.760 159.518
10 or more employees 24.646 1.923.645 1.930.436 25.653 1.993.464 1.998.109
Source: Statbel (Directorate-general Statistics - Statistics Belgium)