Number of registrations (first time or not), deregistrations, and still subject to VAT enterprises, by economic activity, location of the head office and employer class
Year : Last 1 Year(2023)
All localities All localities All localities
Region Flanders region Brussels-Capital region Walloon region Foreigner Unknown
Number of ent. subject to vat Number of ent. subject to vat Number of ent. subject to vat Number of ent. subject to vat Number of ent. subject to vat Number of ent. subject to vat
Year All employment size classes NIS employment size class
2023 All employment size classes No employee 621,475 96,645 241,418 17,136 25 976,699
1-4 employees 71,671 14,146 36,539 857 . 123,213
5-9 employees 18,934 3,615 8,802 308 . 31,659
10-19 employees 11,102 2,061 4,643 200 . 18,006
20-49 employees 7,395 1,386 2,810 149 . 11,740
50-99 employees 2,166 539 837 63 . 3,605
100-199 employees 1,257 270 443 34 . 2,004
200-249 employees 274 66 78 7 . 425
250-499 employees 541 148 179 11 . 879
500-999 employees 273 93 78 4 . 448
1000-1999 employees 115 57 40 . . 212
2000-2999 employees 35 17 10 . . 62
3000-3999 employees 15 7 7 . . 29
4000-4999 employees 11 8 6 . . 25
5000-9999 employees 18 15 6 2 . 41
+ 10.000 employees 3 11 1 . . 15
All employment size classes 735,285 119,084 295,897 18,771 25 1,169,062
Source: Statbel (Directorate-general Statistics - Statistics Belgium)