Year 2021
Legal Form Limited liability company Partnership and other legal forms Sole proprietor
Aggregate level 1
Nb. of active enterprises in t B: Mining and quarrying 75 0 0
D: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 110 6 9
E: Water supply/ sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 647 24 1
F: Construction 25.590 842 2.522
C: Manufacturing 12.692 249 1.270
GTSXO_S94 : Service activities (except : public administration and defense, compulsory social security / activities of membership organisations / activities of households as employers / activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies) 133.275 9.252 19.493
Nb. of employees in the active enterprises in t B: Mining and quarrying . . .
D: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 20.930 . .
E: Water supply/ sewerage, waste management and remediation activities . 3.122 .
F: Construction 210.050 2.522 3.828
C: Manufacturing 465.800 4.816 3.388
GTSXO_S94 : Service activities (except : public administration and defense, compulsory social security / activities of membership organisations / activities of households as employers / activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies) 2.032.111 207.487 36.650
Nb. of persons employed in the active enterprises in t B: Mining and quarrying . 0 .
D: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 21.074 134 13
E: Water supply/ sewerage, waste management and remediation activities . 3.173 .
F: Construction 211.737 4.184 6.225
C: Manufacturing 467.250 5.299 4.604
GTSXO_S94 : Service activities (except : public administration and defense, compulsory social security / activities of membership organisations / activities of households as employers / activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies) 2.042.712 224.578 55.028
Number of births of enterprises in t B: Mining and quarrying 3 0 0
D: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 3 4 0
E: Water supply/ sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 10 3 0
F: Construction 1.023 69 136
C: Manufacturing 318 37 41
GTSXO_S94 : Service activities (except : public administration and defense, compulsory social security / activities of membership organisations / activities of households as employers / activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies) 4.862 1.150 915
Nb of employees in the population of births in t B: Mining and quarrying . 0 0
D: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply . . 0
E: Water supply/ sewerage, waste management and remediation activities . . 0
F: Construction 1.793 198 151
C: Manufacturing 1.633 50 68
GTSXO_S94 : Service activities (except : public administration and defense, compulsory social security / activities of membership organisations / activities of households as employers / activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies) 14.964 1.887 1.249
Nb. of persons employed in the population of births in t B: Mining and quarrying . 0 0
D: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply . . 0
E: Water supply/ sewerage, waste management and remediation activities . . 0
F: Construction 1.793 336 287
C: Manufacturing 1.634 124 109
GTSXO_S94 : Service activities (except : public administration and defense, compulsory social security / activities of membership organisations / activities of households as employers / activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies) 14.967 4.193 2.190
Number of deaths of enterprises in t B: Mining and quarrying 1 0 0
D: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 1 0 0
E: Water supply/ sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 4 1 0
F: Construction 124 16 137
C: Manufacturing 60 8 52
GTSXO_S94 : Service activities (except : public administration and defense, compulsory social security / activities of membership organisations / activities of households as employers / activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies) 931 318 739
Nb. of employees in the population of deaths in t B: Mining and quarrying . 0 .
D: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply . 0 0
E: Water supply/ sewerage, waste management and remediation activities . . 0
F: Construction 750 53 151
C: Manufacturing 811 . .
GTSXO_S94 : Service activities (except : public administration and defense, compulsory social security / activities of membership organisations / activities of households as employers / activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies) 5.480 776 1.247
Nb. of persons employed in the population of deaths in t B: Mining and quarrying . 0 .
D: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply . 0 0
E: Water supply/ sewerage, waste management and remediation activities . . 0
F: Construction 750 85 288
C: Manufacturing 812 . .
GTSXO_S94 : Service activities (except : public administration and defense, compulsory social security / activities of membership organisations / activities of households as employers / activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies) 5.483 1.412 2.018
Source: Statbel (Directorate-general Statistics - Statistics Belgium)