Number of registrations (first time or not), deregistrations, and still subject to VAT enterprises, by economic activity, location of the head office and legal form
Year : Last 1 Year(2023)
Number of registrations
Year 2023
All localities All localities All localities
Region Flanders region Brussels-Capital region Walloon region Foreigner Unknown
Total Legal Form
Total Natural persons 38,958 5,369 15,701 593 6 60,627
Partnership or limited partnership 6,846 344 663 . . 7,853
Public limited company or partnership limited by shares 544 203 312 0 . 1,059
Private limited liability company 25,390 4,972 8,350 1 . 38,713
Cooperative company 30 13 36 . . 79
Company incorporated under foreign law 543 76 513 0 . 1,132
Commercial cooperative association or temporary commercial association 0 0 0 1,657 1 1,658
Non-profit organization 1,284 384 681 0 . 2,349
Body governed by public law 12 2 11 0 . 25
Other company, grouping or association 443 91 166 0 1 701
Total 74,050 11,454 26,433 2,251 8 114,196
Source: Statbel (Directorate-general Statistics - Statistics Belgium)