Gross electricity production
Year : Last 8 Year(2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)
Product : Nuclear energy, Anthracite, Coking coal, Other bituminous coal, Sub-bituminous coal, Lignite, Patent fuel, Coke oven coke, Gas coke, Coal tar, BKB (brown coal briquettes), Gas works gas, Coke oven gas, Blast furnace gas, Other recovered gases, Peat, Peat products, Oil shale and oil sands, Crude oil, NGL (natural gas liquids), Refinery gas, LPG, Kerosene, Other kerosene, Naphta, Gasoil/diesel, Heavy fuel oil, Bitumen, Petroleum coke, Other petroleum products, Natural gas, Natural hydro, Tide, wave, ocean, Wind, Solar photovoltaic, Geothermal, Solid biofuels, Biogas, Renewable municipal waste, Biogasoline, Biodiesel, Other liquid biofuels, Non-renewable industrial waste, Non-renewable municipal waste, Recovered heat, Pumped hydro, Other sources, Not available, Unknown
Indicator Group Gross electricity production
Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
All products Product Group Product Level 1
All products Nuclear energy Nuclear energy 43,523 42,227 28,597 43,524 34,435 50,326 43,879 32,928
Solid fossil fuels Other bituminous coal 390 91 91 94 82 44 51 40
Manufactered gases Coke oven gas 12 6 8 7 11 7 12 7
Blast furnace gas 2,090 2,185 2,103 2,260 1,644 1,894 2,146 1,709
Other recovered gases 148 143 143 155 141 84 108 76
Oil and petroleum products Refinery gas 160 142 132 48 100 152 221 148
LPG 1 10 9 9 6 4 6 7
Other kerosene 6 11 4 2 1 4 9 1
Gasoil/diesel 9 10 16 11 11 20 42 37
Heavy fuel oil 14 3 1 1 2 1 15 5
Natural gas Natural gas 22,074 23,014 23,981 25,529 26,775 22,520 21,944 18,289
Renewables and biofuels Natural hydro 370 270 292 301 267 418 271 407
Wind 5,420 6,521 7,574 9,755 12,819 11,998 12,353 15,444
Solar photovoltaic 3,095 3,308 3,904 4,252 5,113 5,623 6,879 7,820
Solid biofuels 3,471 3,816 3,484 3,291 3,319 2,763 2,843 1,785
Biogas 993 938 945 946 1,015 983 1,012 1,047
Renewable municipal waste 881 916 909 856 904 942 1,000 966
Biodiesel 14 11 12 12 5 0 1 0
Other liquid biofuels 17 24 63 59 20 14 71 4
Non-renewable waste Non-renewable industrial waste 422 435 438 419 395 325 398 430
Non-renewable municipal waste 854 859 834 797 846 921 896 856
Other sources Recovered heat 513 540 478 425 487 498 393 310
Pumped hydro 1,119 1,127 1,015 879 1,048 932 1,375 1,249
Other sources 11 11 9 11 11 11 26 104
All products 85,606 86,619 75,040 93,644 89,454 100,482 95,948 83,669
Source: Statbel (Directorate-general Statistics - Statistics Belgium)