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Employer business demography: active enterprises, births, deaths per year in Belgium, economic activity (NACE-BEL), legal form, size class of the number of employees
Number of active enterprises, enterprise births and deaths, number of employees and persons employed by size classes - latest year
14/12/2022 10:43 GMT +0100
All size classes
All size classes
All size classes
Size class number of employees
1-4 employees
5-9 employees
10 or more employees
Industry, construction and services except insurance activities of holding companies
Industry, construction and services except insurance activities of holding companies
Industry, construction and services except insurance activities of holding companies
Industry, construction and services except insurance activities of holding companies
Industry, construction and services except insurance activities of holding companies
Industry, construction and services except insurance activities of holding companies
Industry, construction and services except insurance activities of holding companies
Industry, construction and services except insurance activities of holding companies
Aggregate level 1
B-N_X_K642: Business economy except activities of holding companies
B-N_X_K642: Business economy except activities of holding companies
B-N_X_K642: Business economy except activities of holding companies
Nb. of active enterprises in t
Nb. of employees in the active enterprises in t
Nb. of persons employed in the active enterprises in t
Number of births of enterprises in t
Nb of employees in the population of births in t
Nb. of persons employed in the population of births in t
Number of deaths of enterprises in t
Nb. of employees in the population of deaths in t
Nb. of persons employed in the population of deaths in t